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Hakeem Abbas

Hakeem Abbas

Hakeem Abbas is a Software Engineer based in San Francisco, Bay Area. Besides building beautiful web and mobile applications that scale well, Hakeem likes to spend his time traveling, hiking and trying new restaurants.

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How to use NextJs image Component

Published on January 2, 2024    8 min read


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Rendering images in NextJs for the first time can be frustrating sometimes, especially for beginners who are not a fan of reading the documentation. The Next Image component is one of the most useful features in Next.js. This component’s performance, ease of use, and flexibility contribute to the amazing developer experience that Next.js offers. In this article, I am assuming that you are comfortable with NextJs and have at least basic experience on how to use NextJs Image component. In this post, my goal is to explain how the image component works and different ways to use the component more efficiently.

The Next Image component

The NextJs Image component allows progressive features of design for smart web by optimizing standard <img> component in your code. It assigns the HTML <img> srcset so that images are served responsively based on different screen sizes. When you’re using smaller devices, they’ll receive a smaller image file that comes with a lower resolution. As the screen size gets larger, the image resolution will automatically scale up. This process is taken care of seamlessly by Next.js.

Why managing images are hard

As a web developer, we deal with the images daily. Images are considered to be the lifeblood of the internet, yet they are often the most troublesome component on the webpage. Well think of all the following image problems:

  • Images appear with wrong aspect ratio
  • Images not resizing responsively with the responsive breakpoints viewport
  • Images loading slowly, images showing as broken, or worse, loading slowly and blocking the pages from showing anything to the user.

At the essential part of the problem is one simple fact. Images are the largest elements on any webpage in general. JavaScript can sometimes give us a bit of trouble, usually due to a mix of different reasons. When it comes to dealing with images, just imagine a single massive image, like 5500 x 2200 pixels big, hogging up a whopping 4MB of space. That’s enough to mess with your user’s online experience, making your Core Web Vitals go haywire. But thanks to the ‘<Image>’ component, you do not have to worry about your application performance. That is because it comes with multiple built-in performance optimizations to help you achieve high Core Web Vitals scores.

Know How to use NextJs Image Component:

There are two ways you can use images in NextJs, you either use the standard <img> tag or a specialized <Image/> component that is unique to Next. The differences between these two tags are quite a bit, however, they do pretty much the same thing, which is the purpose is to display images to the web browser.

If you’re rendering or using images or any media files proportional to your project, you must store them in the public directory. Otherwise, you will get an error. You can still organize your project in a way that suits your needs. If you use a different directory structure, you might need to adjust your file paths accordingly when referencing them in your code. As long as you handle the file paths correctly, you can store images and media files in different directories within your project.

The standard way to use <Image/> component in your NextJs app, first thing you need to import it into the right component from NextJs:

Import Image Next Image

Now, proceed by incorporating JSX syntax into your code, ensuring that you include, at least, the src, width, and height properties:


The < image/>component can be present in a project like the following:

How To Use Image in NextJs Component

Make sure to replace the placeholder values (“/path/to/your/image.jpg” and “Description of the image”) with the actual path to your image and a meaningful description. Adjust the width and height properties based on your design requirements.

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To sum it up, handling images is a crucial skill for web developers, and NextJs comes to the rescue with its user-friendly Image component. This feature makes the challenges of responsive and optimized image use much more achievable, ensuring a smoother experience for the users.

Regardless, you do prefer the classic <img> tag or the specialized <Image> component. Understanding how each component works gives you the benefit of choosing what fits within your project. Simply import the <Image> component, use JSX with properties like src, width, and height, and you’re good to go. This not only makes your images responsive but also manages the built-in optimizations. In summary, NextJs takes the struggle out of the NextJs image management, making it a fantastic tool for creating visually stunning and high-performance web applications. And now we are ending our brief guide on how to use nextJs image component, happy coding!

On a Final Note:

Thank you for following along with our guide on how to use NextJs Image component. Coding Crafts Software Company is here to offer customized solutions that will fit your needs. Ready to take the first step in starting your project with our dynamic solutions? Contact us at Coding Crafts.

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