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Top Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications

Published on January 22, 2024    13 min read

The new approach to developing software is Cloud-native. This is definitely the modern way to develop software. It can help you build and run software applications that exploit flexibility, scalability, and resilience. When companies build and operate applications using cloud native design patterns. They bring new ideas to market faster, which helps them respond sooner to customer demands. While the public cloud has put its mark on every industry, cloud native development is appropriate for both public and private clouds. In this article, we offer our understanding of the term “Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications” and discuss its importance and relevance.

What is Cloud Native Application?

It’s all about the creation and deployment of applications, not their location. That means applications can be developed using public or private cloud using cloud native design patterns. The strategy of constructing and managing software in a cloud-native manner originated from a cluster of companies, often known as “born in the cloud.” This includes industry leaders like Netflix and Spotify in the streaming domain, Uber in the ride-hailing sector, and Airbnb in the accommodation booking platform, for example showcasing the effective implementation of Google Cloud design patterns. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) defines cloud native a little more narrowly, focusing on application content, where applications are broken down into microservices and packaged in lightweight containers to be deployed across a variety of servers.

Microsoft, Oracle, and Intel are some of the Platinum members of CNCF. Cloud native development contains the ideas of DevOps, microservices, and containers. DevOps collaborates between software development consultant and IT operations to deliver high-quality software that solves customer challenges on a production level. Microservices is an architectural technique, or you can say an approach to developing software as a set of small services. Cloud native gives a transformative manner to lessen the hazard inside the corporation, primarily based totally on 3 principles:

Benefits of Cloud Native Applications:

Why cloud native applications can leverage benefits like enabling innovation, business agility, and, most importantly from a technology perspective, the commoditization of the solution stack over here. So, as time has progressed and technologies have matured and emerged, a lot of the services are being re-factored lower down in this stack. This means that core services are starting to have a lower center of gravity, freeing up innovation at this level over here. The primary three principles and the benefits of cloud native applications:

    • Repair susceptible software programs as quickly as updates are available.
    • You can frequently repave servers and applications from a known good state.
    • You can also rotate user credentials often.

    Migrating to cloud native application architectures is like a big change that reduces risks in the company. Now you must be thinking that why do cloud native applications and cloud native companies matter the most? Because it has gained a competitive advantage. You can also achieve greater flexibility. Align operations with business needs. & definitely if you are in IT and if you talk about DevOps, then automation is really important out there. In the next part of the article, we are also going to briefly explain the design patterns for cloud native applications.

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    Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications:

    1). Microservices and Cloud Native Applications

    Cloud native applications are cloud agnostic. So what is microservices, well microservices are a modern way of Designing and building software that will increase deployment pace through decomposing any software into small self-reliant services that can be deployed independently. And all together make an application. We’ll be explaining the microservices design patterns for cloud native applications. Each of those microservices operates independently. Therefore, through the deployment of loosely coupled microservices, applications can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. As each service operates independently, it can be updated or replaced without concerns about affecting the overall application.Microservices and Cloud Native Applications

    This provides an organization with the capability to deliver value to their customers more swiftly by breaking down the application into microservices. Now you can deploy small updates or small features in any of the services continuously, so delivery would become faster. That will enhance the ability to deliver value to the customer. Monolithic applications are constructed within a single complex code base. Monolithic application can become complex and difficult to understand and maintain as they grow, this can make it hard to identify and fix bugs and add new features. Deploying a monolithic application carries potential risks and can be time-consuming, as a minor modification in one part of the code base can impact the entire application.

    Microservices Benefits:


      • Agility: the very first is of course agility because microservices are deployed independently. Bug fixes, and feature releases become simpler as you can update a service without the need to redeploy the entire application.
      • A Small Focused Team: Microservices can maintain a size that allows a single team to handle the entire process of building, testing, and deploying. The reason behind this is that smaller team greatly contribute to enhanced agility. On the flip side, larger teams tend to face challenges with decreased productivity, primarily due to slower communication, increased management overhead.
      • Small Code Base: As we pointed out earlier, in monolithic applications, the development process tends to get all mixed up and tangled over time. Microservices reduce dependencies, simplifying the process of adding a new feature.
      • Fault Isolation: If individual microservices go offline, it won’t mess up the whole application, as long as any preceding microservices are designed to handle problems the right way.
      • Scalability: Scalability is achievable by independently scaling services, allowing the expansion of subsystems requiring additional resources without having to scale out the entire application.

      2). Cloud Native Serverless Computing

      As we have explained in microservices that, in the past and even today, software developers rely on monolithic architectures to build applications. Monolithic software architecture uses a unified model for designing a software program which is composed all in one piece. In this part of the article, we’ll be explaining about serverless computing design patterns for cloud native applications.Cloud Native Serverless Computing

      What is Serverless?

      To these issues are serverless functions and microservice technologies to enable highly scalable software solutions within the broader context of Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications. What does serverless function and serverless actually mean, and how do they compare? What is Serverless Function? Serverless does not mean without the server when we talk about serverless. We mean that our software can run without investing in or maintaining physical hardware ourselves. Instead, using a trusted third-party to manage and maintain a physical infrastructure including server network storage etc. Means our application runs serverless.

      A serverless function is a piece of software which performs only one action in response to an event like an API call the serverless function also runs serverless within the infrastructure of a service vendor and only runs if needed. So the conclusion is serverless applications run in a stateless environment, they are momentary and state driven. They only execute on demand and don’t cost as soon as the execution is over. A microservice in comparison executes more than one function or task. Depending on how the application architecture is constructed. That means a microservice may or may not be equal to a serverless function, but both can be serverless applications.

      3). Cloud Native Containerization

      Packaging code together with all required components like needed libraries, frameworks and other dependencies in an isolated container is called containerization. We will be explaining what is containerization in design patterns for cloud native applications. With your fresh container at hand, you can run it on every runtime and on any infrastructure you want. This is the true power of using containerization for packaging your applications. The power of running your applications independently of the environment or infrastructure’s operating system to have true flexibility. Imagine your container to be a magical place where an application can exist in independence of all witches around it.Cloud native containerization

      It can forget everything around it and simply do what it was created for. A container contains its reason for being, kind of like a DNA in a living organism. It knows what to be and how to rebuild itself based on the included instructions. A containerized app is usually taken on a specific function or task also called a Microservice or serverless function. There are differences between Microservices and services functions. A container holding a Microservice allows you to run stable, even during updates or bug fixes. This is due to the nature of running multiple container instances simultaneously. That is reducing the maintenance rabbit hole we all fear and DevOps warns us about.

      If Container Orchestration, we discuss extracting specific functions into  Microservices. Which get packaged into a container, we might end up with quite a stack of containers. To manage these containers, some sort of container orchestration is of needed. And that is where Kubernetes comes into play. Kubernetes can orchestrate containerized apps at a huge scale because of the lightweight and highly flexible nature of a container.

      Kubernetes can run the container application everywhere and even takes  care of almost all tasks to deploy and manage your container. Now your container found a cozy new place to live without worrying it ever run out of processing power storage or any other limiting requirements. If it ever does run into problems. Kubernetes is there to help it back on its feet or worst case makes sure some other instance takes over the job for it.

      Traditional vs Cloud Native Applications 

      If you’re familiar with cloud computing, you would have probably heard of cloud native. How does cloud native differ from traditional infrastructure. Why is it important for companies to pursue cloud native development by using cloud native best practices. Let’s explore in this part. Cloud-native represents a software development approach harnessing cloud computing to construct and operate applications in contemporary, dynamic environments. Visualize a cloud-native travel application where each facet, such as flights, buses, car rentals, or hotels, functions as an independent microservice. This approach enables the creation and deployment of new application features as autonomous units, seamlessly integrating when brought together.

      Microservices enhance developer productivity, minimize downtime, and reduce operational costs. In contrast, traditional infrastructure fosters dependencies between the application and the operating system, escalating the risk and complexity of the migration process. Cloud-native applications boast speed, agility, resilience, predictability, and manageability. The cloud-native architecture is characterized by containers, declarative APIs, immutable infrastructure, and service meshes. If you aim to modernize your business application, opting for a cloud-native approach stands out as the optimal choice. Don’t just think cloud, think cloud native with Coding Crafts Software Company.

      Concluding insights on Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications:

      As we’re wrapping up the article, we’ve taken a closer look at the core design patterns for cloud native applications. Exploring the fundamental principles that shape modern applications. Selecting the right patterns customized to specific use cases is of main importance. This strategic decision not only influences the efficiency of development but also impacts the overall performance and scalability of applications.

      Understanding the significance of these cloud native designs patterns allows cloud consultant, developers and businesses to make informed choices, optimizing their approach to meet unique requirements. The journey into cloud native development is an ongoing exploration, and continued learning is key. We encourage further exploration and deeper dives into these native patterns.

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